Miscellaneous Links
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We are not responsible for the content of any of these pages.
If you find any broken links or have suggestions for other links we could add,
please let us know.
Open Street Map of Sheffield
Archi UK - Old maps, LIDAR, ariel photographs and much more
Timewalk project map of historical sites and much more round Sheffield
Timewalk project website Like many 'funded' projects, Timewalk ran out of funds and we have to rely on the Wayback Machine to preserve this site.
Stone to Steel created a set of 6 walks around Deepcar. Their website is now closed down, but the leaflets can still be downloaded from https://steelvalleyproject.org/walks/
Sheffield Council:
Walking in Sheffield
Parks & green spaces
Public Rights of Way
Maps of Open Access areas (These maps are very intermittent; if they are not working, we have copies here)
Barnsley Council:
Public Rights of Way
Just a list of Open Access areas (You can find a map of Wharnecliffe Chase here)
Local history and information.
Want to add a bit more interest to your walks? Have a look at these sites:
The Timewalk Project, listing all Sheffields historical sites and a whole lot more.
'Fuelling a Revolution' was a programme seeking to restore 35 of Sheffields woodlands to their former glory.
The programme expired in 2007 and the web site died in 2016 but thanks to the magic of the Wayback Machine we can still see it.
Sheffield History forums, with history, maps and photos of just about anything old in Sheffield!
Map of the Rivelin Valley.
The watermills of Sheffield, with an interactive map showing all the mills on all the rivers and a history and description of each (as of 1947).